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August 11, 2020


Holly West

Awwww. I love this post. Hugs to you.

Sharan Newman

I keep turning the pages in my datebook and seeing another trip I can't take or cancelled visits from friends. I want to show them all the glories of Ireland. I want to sit in the bar with other writers and laugh. But my baby is nearby and I live in a place with a sane government that respects medical experts so I have no right to whine. Hope you can come home soon.

Mysti Lou Who, Whoville

You’re making me miss a Scotland I haven’t experienced. Hugs to you and Neil and the hummingbirds.

Alexandra Phipp

I laughted and I understand, but marmite cashews? you lost the plot there...i didn't know they were a thing. Ill swap for drinking Pimms at an outside concert, with fireworks and Rule Britania to finish...

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