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September 22, 2020


Leslie Karst

And if all our "citizens" had one one one-hundredth of your love and dedication to this extraordinary republic as a "permanent legal resident," we'd be in far better shape. Thank you, Catriona, for all your fabulous blogs with Femmes Fatales, and for all you do--and will do.

Lyda L McPherson

"Thank you" sits so small on the page in comparison to the gratitude I'm feeling for you, your writing and your efforts.


Follow your calling! We all need to do our part at this critical time to save our democracy. Onward!

Clea Simon

I'm tempted to say "welcome to the fight" – writing postcards and letters is keeping me sane – but clearly you've been here for a while. Thank you for the lightness and the insight, and here's hoping we'll meet up again on the other side.

Cynthia Kuhn

Thank you so much, Catriona, for your lovely posts here and for all of your energy and efforts in the world. xoxo

Hank Phillippi Ryan


(And I say Trist-un.)


I will miss all your wise and witty posts, Catroina. And I'm glad you want to fight the good fight re the current US Government. My remarks about it in other places, and other actions I take, are the only way I have to keep my hope alive.

Sarah Rizzo

Love you Catriona!

Storyteller Mary

Persist, in whatever way feels best to you. Hugs and may all be well for everyone. <3

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