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September 28, 2010


Susan Kersten

I love the blogs the way they are. If you change anything I would add more links to the page under the story they are conetected to.

Kim G.

I've never visited your blogs, checked off neither, but would have liked a chance to view the questions, maybe I could have answered something?

Lala Corriere

Hmmm... I'm not finding the contest survey, either.

I think your blog is visually stimulating, without too much foo-foo. My only thought is that, without making it too dark/hard on the eyes, you could give it a more nefarious look.

I'm not sure this comment enters me in your contest [again, no survey] so perhaps you'll want to make that more clear.



The surveys worked just fine for me, but I found it incomprehensible that there was a box to check about how you follow the Femmes Fatales only in the hope that Donna Andrews will send you copies of her books before they hit the shelves....



Oops, that should be that there WASN'T a box to check...

Susan in VA

I just noticed that when you bookmark this page it still says "My Blog" instead of "Femme Fatales"

So there's a suggested tweakering ;)

Susan in VA

Weird! I tried it again on the main page and it DID come up Femme Fatales this time!

hhmmmm.... Maybe I mistook the "My Weblog (post)" format on the individual post pages. (Still would be better if that said Femme Fatales)

Elaine Viets

Glad you clarified that, Cilley.
You're right, Susan. We'll see if we can fix that "Weblog" business.

kt ford

have checked into your blog at least monthly...and have been impressed..always adding to my tbr journal..also, did not get any questions survey..thank you muchly (!) for your continuing efforts..

Elaine Viets

KT, it's early here in Lauderdale and I've been up since four finishing a book.
Not sure what you mean about "did not get any questions survey."
Please help me through the fog.


I'd love to get into your blog. Is that possible? I'm on Facebook, and 3 websites: backpage.com; oxg, and e-classified

Elaine Viets

Hi, Lois. Thanks for your note. We don't really need any guest bloggers right now but thanks for asking.

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